contrast?or shades of gray

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

contrast [unknown/undiscovered]

okay, let's be real.

i could be writing this for my eyes only. i don't expect a mass following or deep philosophical conversations to arise from this blog, nor do i expect that it will hold my interest for more than two weeks. but out of summer boredom, humor me, will you?

the(intended)purpose of this blog is to chart out a map of the unknown. not what is undiscovered, but what has no definite answers. i want to look at black and white issues, and see if there really are more shades of gray to them; how contrasting issues are really(not so)different. in truth, i could be totally barking up the wrong tree on some(or all)of this.

some of these posts will undoubtably have nothing to do with contrast. some of them will be issues that i have a deep opinion on (like God), and others will probably just be random musings of a college student's mind. i want to be real about it up front.

and again, if you are not drawn in by this post and never want to come back, i don't blame you. i'm barely holding my own attention at this point.

in His grip,

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